Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sunny Peace Town

In my elementary Social Studies class, I’m teaching about community and map skills.  An extremely helpful teacher knew this and sent me a link for a paper craft town (http://cp.c-ij.com/en/contents/2028/list_15_1.html).  I immediately loved the idea and decided to base the whole unit around it. 

Little did I know that the construction of the town would take months!  (That’s what happens when you only have class twice a week and students are regularly absent.)  Each building is extremely detailed and complicated to make, so each student only made one.  I quickly realized that I would need more builders than myself and my class of three, so I enlisted the help of everyone I could get. 
Casey made the coffee shop and a house, Rebekah made the hospital and town sign, Saúl and Gaby made some vehicles, and Kevin and Kristian made the church.  As for the actual class members: Larimar made the school, Kioney made the flower shop, Mizael made the fire station, and I made the gas station, police station, post office, and a house. 
This was truly a school-wide effort! 

After the buildings were finished, we had to plan the town layout.  This included some great discussions using critical thinking skills.  When the roads, sidewalks, parking lots, green spaces, and crosswalks were in place, we painted.  Then we glued.  Then we celebrated and took lots of pictures!

So here it is…Sunny Peace Town!  (We voted and compromised a few times to get this name.)

The mean streets of Sunny Peace Town!
After all that hard work, I had to give the kids time to play.  It was amazing how much they enjoyed maneuvering the little people and vehicles.  They really got into it! 

The kids are signing the word "fire" above the house!

Since this project took months to complete, I have vowed to work it into every Social Studies lesson for the rest of the school year…we’ll see how long that lasts.

Right now, we’re using it for map skills.  Our first skill is using a map key.  Here is first of many maps…I hope!

1 comment:

  1. Hey ! it was great to see they got together to build
    the city as it looks a lot of fun and hope it will be there when I come down to see and play the car on it.
