Sunday, November 25, 2012

la gratitud

This morning, my pastor preached about gratitude—Living with a Grateful Heart.  He used the event in the life of David found in 2 Samuel 9:1-13.
·         Gratitude is born by remembering the kindness that we have received
·         Gratitude makes our hearts like the heart of God
·         Expressed gratitude has significance

I have so many things in my life for which I am thankful.  Rather than give the standard list, including friends and family, I will share the list that I shared with God recently.

I am thankful for the obstacles that He has sent me, and the learning experiences and crises.  I am thankful because I can see how each one has challenged and sharpened me.  I have grown and learned a lot this year, and I know God will continue working on me!

P.S.—I am also thankful for this finished art project!  It’s been months in the making.  The kids used what they learned about texture to create a memory quilt based on the book Tar Beach

1 comment:

  1. Well done sister ! Enjoy your blessing that the world can never give but God can.
