Sunday, February 27, 2011


Faithful blog followers, I apologize for my recent inactivity.  I haven’t been well for a few weeks.  But now I am getting back to normal and am ready to continue…

A week ago (I had already not been feeling well for 2 weeks), I thought I was finally getting better, and then—WHAM!—I felt worse than before.  And thanks to God’s perfect timing, when I was feeling my worst and truly needing to take a sick day, I had a perfect substitute for my class.  We have a friend who is a deaf teacher of deaf students in the U.S., and she enjoys coming down from time to time to visit and work with our students.  She had recently taught a unit about myths to her own students and was eager to share this with mine.  So when I said God’s perfect timing, I meant it because we are right in the middle of our own myth unit!  It doesn’t end there, though.  I have been incorporating video-making into this unit, and this is exactly what our visitor wanted to teach.  So for three days last week, my students and I had the opportunity to watch a master teacher at work, teaching exactly what my students needed to learn!  Pretty cool, huh?

We also had a mother-daughter team visit last week, and they had planned arts-and-crafts for all the kids—which meant that all my art classes were covered for the week.  God is so good!

(And if Julia or Andrea is reading this…thanks again!)

I finally made it back to church today.  My pastor has been preaching a lot recently on the end times and life after death, and this sermon hit me, so I thought I’d share it.  He preached on Luke 16:19-31.  Perhaps this is a familiar passage to you.  It talks about a rich and a poor man who both die.  The rich man goes to hell and the poor man to heaven.  When the rich man is convinced that he will spend eternity suffering with no hope of relief, he begs Abraham to send the poor man to earth to warn his family to repent and turn their lives to God so they will not suffer the same fate.  Abraham replies that if they don’t believe the warnings from Moses and the prophets to repent, they won’t believe a dead man either.  Most of us try not to think too much about hell, but the Bible is clear that it will be eternal torture with no hope of relief.  Thankfully, we all have the opportunity to join the poor man and Abraham in heaven.  All we have to do is open our hearts to Jesus.  Something to think about…

Until next time…

Sunday, February 6, 2011

los mitos

I can’t believe it’s already February.  The past two weeks in my classroom have been exhausting as teenage emotions and drama have been present in full force.  But nonetheless, we’ve been pushing forward and we’re still smiling sometimes!

Here’s a highlight from the week:
In writing class, we’ve been studying myths.  Last week my students chose a myth that they would practice and perform in American Sign Language on video.  It was a real treat to watch their progression as they learned and practiced their myths this week.  They were actually asking for more time to do so every day.  There was a lot of nervous laughter as they came face-to-face with the camera lens, but it in end, all the stories came out very well.  This has also been a good learning experience for me as I was able to see various ASL storytelling techniques. 

(I hope to post the myth videos soon.)

Please pray for en extra measure of God’s peace in our classrooms and in the lives of our students in the weeks and months to come.