Saturday, October 13, 2012

dos angeles

For those of you who don’t know this about me, I am the type of person that likes to be in control of situations, especially those concerning my life and my future.  I prefer to depend on myself rather than on others.  Perhaps this is why God has called me into missions—to break me of this tendency! 

At each major transition in my life (graduation from high school and from college), I have always known what the next step would be.  Now as I come to another potential turning point—the end of my three-year commitment to teach at ESD—I’m not so sure what the next step will be.  Knowing this, God brought two people into my life this past week who have touched my heart concerning this matter. 

Last weekend, I went to revival services at the church that one of our teachers attends.  Honestly, I wasn’t sure I even wanted to go—especially not to all four services—but God knew I was supposed to be there.  He gave me the nudges I needed to get there each day.  The visiting pastor spoke about Abraham’s life journey and how he was able to develop a faith strong enough to sacrifice his son, Isaac.  The main points of the messages were:
·         -What we hold on to, God can take away
·         -We need to make faith-based decisions instead of common-sense decisions
·         -We should not delay in acting when we know what God is telling us to do
·         -The safest place to be is in the center of God’s will
Through each service, I could feel the Holy Spirit speaking right into my heart and helping me to consider His will for my future.  Going into the revival services, I thought I knew exactly what I was going to do at the end of this school year, and now I’m not so sure.

Then later on in the week, we had a visit from a missionary involved in prison ministry in New Jersey.  I believe God also used her to speak to my heart.  She has a gift of encouragement, and I found myself opening up to her in a way that I rarely do with anyone.  She helped me to talk through some of the questions that had been stirred up in my mind over the weekend, and even though I have not made any decisions yet, now I feel like it might be possible to do so!

So this weekend, I thank God for the angels He brought into my life.

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