Sunday, October 7, 2012

manos en marcha

On Friday Kevin, Kristian, Tess, and I had the opportunity to attend Manos en Marcha—a march to the Capitol for Deaf rights and awareness.

I was excited for this trip for a few reasons.  It coincided with what I’m teaching those two boys in Social Studies class.  We’re learning about government, politics, and the election.  This march was a perfect example of how to peacefully bring a cause to politicians.   It was a great teaching opportunity about how to be good citizens and take action in the community.  It also gave the boys a chance to meet new people and see friends.

We arrived a little late (which in the end I was very thankful for!) and were able to catch up to the march and fall in the back of the line.  We were surrounded with people holding signs proclaiming their rights to interpreters, equal job opportunities, and better education. 

The Deaf community needs your help with housing and work.  Our vote counts.

We arrived to the Capitol and watched speeches from leaders in the Puerto Rican Deaf community.  Also, there were representatives from each of Puerto Rico’s six political parties.  I was really excited about this because I am just about to teach this in Social Studies.  

This was my first march, and I think it was a success.  It showed the hearing community that Deaf people can peacefully request the rights that they are entitled to under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Also, it inspired those in attendance to actively seek change instead of passively complaining about the status quo.    

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth - This is such a worthwhile cause for several reasons. Many times people are not aware of the strifes of others until it is put right before them. Also, to be able to experience something that you are about to teach or learn makes the lesson more valuable.
    I hope all is well and you enjoyed your brother's wedding. Sorry I haven't communicated before now. Hopefully, I will be more diligent about following your blog and keeping in touch. Take care.
