Sunday, March 10, 2013

mi Dios lo hizo todo

This weekend, I was blessed to be able to see some of the wonders that God has created on this island.  

Friday night, I went kayaking in the bio-luminescent bay.  This is something that I have done a number of times now, but it never gets old.  As soon as the sun goes down, I become just like a kid playing with the glowing water in utter amazement.  And my God created it!

On Saturday, I accompanied the Yoder family on an adventure.  First, we went to Cueva Ventana—Window Cave.  We wandered through some awesome caverns complete with stalactites, stalagmites, bats, ropes, and tree roots (the latter two helped us enter the cave--it was my first attempt at repelling!).  Then we arrived at the window—a giant hole in the face of the mountain that we'd been inside.  The view is breathtaking.  It overlooks the almost undisturbed Puerto Rican countryside.  Wow!  My God created that, too!  I can’t possible relate the beauty with words alone.  Take a look.

the entrance


Amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, "We have seen extraordinary things today."
Luke 5:26

the view from below

Next, we drove to the Cueva del Indio—The Indian Cave.  This system is right on the ocean.  The waves were unusually rough on this day, so we were thoroughly warned what to do and what not to do on the rocks.  To make the situation more intense, Brendan told us a story about another cliff and rough ocean that ended in death.  Then he proceeded to lead us to the edge, yelling "Hole!" every now and then to warn us where not to step.  The view was gorgeous and scary.  I have never seen such strong waves.  So, I was feeling very wary as I slowly climbed my way to the edge (okay--I was too scared to make it anywhere close to the edge).  We climbed to a few different spots and took in the magnificence.  My God made it all!  Yet again, my words cannot do it justice.  

Taino petroglyphs

Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea,
the LORD on high is mighty!
Psalm 93:4

My heart finally slowed its pace by the time we were back in the van.  What a wonderful day spent with wonderful friends!  Thank you Brendan for planning such an exciting outing.

1 comment:

  1. So good to see you are able to get around and enjoy the island :-) I remember last year when you were not so well and travelling was such a pain (literally)!

    Praise God for health and and strength and joy to do all that you are doing!
