Thursday, June 7, 2012

buen provecho

I am in NJ for a chunk of the summer, and I am so excited to be here. My third favorite thing about being home (after family and friends) is the food! Every time I come back, I seem to appreciate it (and crave it) more and more.

I'm not sure that everyone will appreciate my choice of summer blog topic, but I have decided to report on all the great things I have been eating.

I started my trip with a classic diner meal: a BLT and a matzah ball soup...there's just nothing like a NJ diner.

Since then, I have been enjoying some good home cooking. One thing that I love about my house--specifically about my dad--is that everything here is made from scratch--bread, tomato sauce, etc.

So at home, I've had chicken parmesan, bratwurst, deliciously sweet Jersey corn, burgers, French toast, waffles...and way more to come!

I also had some pasta, pizza, and gelato at a great Italian restaurant and tacos at a NYC food truck.

To be continued…

1 comment:

  1. And you are planning on bringing a sample of all these foods back to PR with you...right...?!
    Glad you are having a good time!
