Sunday, January 30, 2011


I began last week with a positive attitude because the previous week had ended on a high note.  Edwin got the highest grade in the class on his vocabulary test—proving that all along he was able to do so but lacked the commitment to studying.  All week long he repeated that this was a new year, and he was trying to make a new start.

He had appeared to turn a corner.  But just when he started making wise choices…just when he got his first A on a vocabulary test and had been doing most of his homework…just when I had told him how proud I am of him…he decided to bring alcohol to school in his water bottle.  

I saw him take the bottle into the bathroom twice to drink from it.  Then, as I unscrewed the top to take a whiff, I hoped my suspicions weren’t accurate…but they were.  Fittingly, two of our vocabulary words from last week summed up the findings:  That water was not pure; in fact someone had contaminated it!  

Needless to say, this event made for an interesting week—one with many interruptions to normalcy, but we survived.  Thanks to the creative and insightful intervention by our principal and a trusted friend, Edwin may have even learned some life lessons.

It also served as a wakeup call to Edwin’s family—for whom we have been praying for a while.  For the first time since we’ve known them, they all came to church with us—Praise the Lord!

Please pray for peace in the lives and families of our students.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth. I bet you thought I forgot about you. After a short sabbatical from reading your post I come back to read this one. How difficult it is growing up and making good choices. Hopefully we survive the treacherous terrain till we get to the straight and narrow pathway. Luckily for Edwin and his family no one suffered an ill fate and a lesson was learned. A teacher must wear many hats.
    It was so good to see you again. I bet you are happy to get back to the warm weather even if it does include bugs. Many of us are sick of this winter and are longing for spring.
