Last week, we went to court! In chapel we are learning about Micah 6:8: “And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
In order to learn about justice, we visited the courthouse in Fajardo. We had a tour of the building, we met two judges, and we even had a mock trial. That was the best part.
Here are the highlights of the trial: The People of Puerto Rico vs. Mizael.
Mizael was being charged with the theft of a hearing aid. Chris was his defense lawyer, and Leo was the prosecuting attorney.
Gaby was the witness, and I was the person who makes the witnesses swear to tell the truth.
Kioney was the court secretary.
The honorable Kristian presided over the case.
The two sides made their arguments and questioned the witness, then the judge made his decision.
The sheriff, Larimar, carted Mizael off to jail after he was found guilty.
It was a fun time. There were two real lawyers and a judge to guide us with our roles. I think my favorite part was when the real lawyer was trying to coach Gaby (4 years old and shy) on his answers—like what time he saw Mizael break into his house, how far away he was, etc.
Gaby was just standing there with a nervous look on his face. When it came time to answer the questions, of course he had no clue what to say. Since I was sitting next to him, I whispered made-up answers in his ear. His shy, smiling face was priceless as everyone in the courtroom started at him with anticipation of his answers and while Betsy (seated in the jury box) was signing answers across the room at him.
The kids had fun and maybe even learned something. Next stop…a nurse’s office to learn about mercy.
I think this is the best way to learn about a very difficult topic. Looked like Great fun!