Wednesday, June 15, 2011

el verano

A number of people have asked us recently, “What exactly are you doing now that school is out?  Are you on vacation at the beach every day?”…We wish!

At the start of the summer, Jen and I made a list of all the things we wanted to do before leaving the island at the end of June.  Much to our delight (and perhaps to our surprise) we’ve almost crossed everything off. 

Here’s an idea of an average day for me:
I wake up early to exercise before it is blazingly hot.  Then I eat breakfast and do my devotions.  Then I go down to my classroom to work.  (I’ve made a long list of classroom tasks—of which I am nowhere near finished!)  I break for a quick lunch, and then I get back to work.  In the afternoon, Jen and I may do office work, run errands, make phone calls, or do some other school business.  Then dinner, practice the piano, watch a movie, read, and bed.

That’s just an average day.  Sometimes we have added excitement like we did today.  We had a group of Girl Scouts come work at the school for a few hours this morning.  They had saved their cookie money for seven years to take this trip, but they wanted to make sure that they included some service work.  So we put them to work!  They painted, sorted food, and did yard work.  We enjoyed spending the morning with them.  They did a week’s worth of school chores in a matter of hours!

One of the nice things about summer is that I get the chance to do things that I don’t have time or energy for during the school year.  During the past two weeks, in addition to working around the school, I have been able to do some sewing and painting.  I better soak up this artistic time now to hold me over until next summer!

So, we’re not really on vacation yet, but hopefully soon.  The harder we work now, the more time we can enjoy with friends and family while we’re away.  We have one more week in PR.  Then it’s on to DC!

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