Saturday, January 26, 2013

segunda oportunidad

Sometimes you do get a second chance…in your classroom anyway.

In my Spanish class this year, I have been teaching verbs in the present tense.  We began by learning the subject pronouns (I, you, he, etc.); then we learned some regular –ar, –er, and –ir verbs and their present tense conjugations.  Right before Christmas break, I began to get frustrated because the kids were not retaining things the way I would have liked.  I felt that I had taught the material well and that I had reasonable expectations for them.  However, I couldn't move on in the new semester because they hadn’t mastered the information.  I needed new ideas.

Then God gave me a second chance!  Due to certain circumstances, we had to reorganize the Spanish classes starting in January.  This means that I gained two students in my class.  Perfect!  The two new students have never learned to conjugate verbs in Spanish, so this is my opportunity to go back to square one.  Now I can set a stronger foundation.  Also, having a greater number of students allows me to be more creative with class activities.  One more bonus…my original students will have opportunities to teach their classmates.  If I’ve learned anything so far, it’s that teaching is the best way to learn.

One of the greatest struggles the kids had the first time around was learning the subject pronouns.  So this time, I’ve come up with new ways to teach it.  Because deaf students are primarily visual learners, I try to use pictures and video often.  Here is one activity we did.  After we set up and took the photos, I printed them and used them to make flash cards.  If anyone has more ideas…please let me know!


Monday, January 21, 2013

otra semana corta

Last week was another great one in the classroom.  Maybe we should always have four-day school weeks! 

Here’s a look at some of the picture-worthy things we’ve been doing in Social Studies class:

I enjoy watching the kids help one another and work together.  Surprisingly, this instance did not end up in a brotherly fight.
Gaby is sorting pictures of cities, towns, and farms.
Saúl is making a clay city, town, and farm.

Larimar, Kioney, and Mizael are learning about where they live, too.
 And now Art class:

We're learning about form.  The kids had been begging me to use the sewing machine, so we turned 2-D fabric into 3-D pillows!


 The older kids made pipe-cleaner sculptures.  I was most impressed with the creativity of their titles.

Now, they are working on clay coil pots.  Here are the beginning and middle stages.  I'll post the finished products later.

I hope you enjoyed our week as much as I did!

Saturday, January 12, 2013


I really missed the kids while we were on break, so it was nice to see their smiling faces on Tuesday morning.  The smiling faces set the tone for the whole week in my classroom.

My favorite pat of the week was my Social Studies class with Larimar, Kioney, and Mizael.  On Wednesday, we started an exciting semester-long endeavor.  We are going to be video pen-pals with my friend’s second grade class in Brooklyn.  Instead of using a webcam to interact (due to poor internet signals on both ends), we will make videos, save them to a USB drive, and mail them to each other.  What I love about this system is that the kids still get to experience the excitement of receiving and opening mail. 

In our first video, the kids introduced themselves and taught the other class the alphabet in sign language.  I am eager to watch the two classes interact as they learn more about one another and realize that they have a lot in common.  I love it when I have great opportunities like this to expand the horizons of my students.  Thank you Sam for coming up with this great idea!

If you’re interested, here is our first video.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

la rutina diaria

We started the new semester today.  There were a few absences, but for the most part, we were able to get right back into the swing of things.  I was encouraged that the kids and I were able to pick up right where we left off--maybe even a little ahead of where we left off!  I guess we all needed the break.

This semester has the possibility for some new and exciting (and probably exhausting) adventures.  Please pray for all of our current questions and loose ends to get answered and tied up in God's time and in His way.  And if you pray that, please pray for our patience and flexibility as we wait for things to fall into place.