School’s out for summer! Graduation is on Tuesday. I can’t believe this time is here already.
I began the school year teaching a writing unit on memoirs. To introduce the unit, I asked my students to write six-word memoirs. I did the same. This was no easy task. I started with many ideas, and slowly reduced them to just six words. My students each came up with a shallow list of six adjectives.
During the last week of school, I asked my students to write new six-word memoirs to describe themselves at this point in their lives. I also did the same. My students’ work was much more thoughtful this time around. For me, it was simple to find the perfect words for my memoir: I survived my first year teaching!
Kevin's before and after memoirs |
Johanely's before and after memoirs |
My before and after memoirs |
It’s been quite a ride! I am so thankful for the wonderful staff that I have had the pleasure of working, praying, and hanging out with. Each person helped to make my transition as smooth as possible.
I think I can safely say that this has been the hardest year of my life, but also the most rewarding. For every frustration, helpless feeling, and exhausted day I’ve had, I’ve experienced at least as many smiles, laughs ahh-haa moments, hugs, and miracles!
Here’s a short list of what I’ve learned this year: How to use an ASL classifier, how to use a weed-whacker, how to eat a mango like a Puerto Rican, how a single raised eyebrow can completely change the meaning of a sign, what to do with termite-infested furniture, where to get the best ice cream in Luquillo, that ASL and English are too different to be compared the way I’d like, how to play a few songs on the piano and guitar, and how teaching deaf children is almost nothing like teaching hearing children!
God has truly guided me through a busy year. He has been with me each step of the way so that I could do the best job possible. I’ve learned so much this year and I can only begin to imagine what is in store for next year.