Sunday, March 20, 2011

la luna

Tonight, we went to the beach to look at the moon.  When we first stepped onto the sand, we searched the sky but did not see it.  Then, we spotted a sliver of orange rising on the horizon.  What a brilliant sight.  I couldn’t help but stand in awe of God’s creation as we watched the moon ascend gracefully into the night sky. 

Sometimes it’s difficult to appreciate the beautiful aspects of nature when we see how much devastation it can also cause.  I’m sure some of us hesitate even to turn on the news for fear that we’ll learn about more tragedies and troubles.  After weeks of nonstop coverage on earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear reactor problems, Middle Eastern conflicts, and bombings it’s easy to develop a pessimistic attitude. 

In light of these events, our pastor challenged us this morning to remember God’s love.  God never called us to fear the things in this world, but rather to conquer them through Him.  He promises that nothing can separate us from His all-encompassing, all-powerful love. 

If God is for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:31


Saturday, March 12, 2011

cinta adhesiva

This week was eventful to say the least.  Our staff has been studying spiritual warfare this semester, and we saw evidence of it in each classroom.  As expected, though, God has carried us through it!

In art class we’ve been having some fun with packing tape.  Inspired by sculptor Mark Jenkins, we have been making sculptures of our own.  (Visit his website to see some really interesting photos  What started out as a project for the oldest kids has quickly spread around the school.  Almost every student has, at this point, wrapped something or has been wrapped.  I seldom see the kids this excited about something.  I rarely see the little ones sit as still as they do when they are being wrapped!  Who knew that hours of entertainment could be provided by plastic wrap, packing tape, and scissors?

We are currently making a life-sized statue of Johanely.  I’ll post the final product as well as the rest of the sculptures when they are finished.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

una iguana

Here’s some fun from Friday…

I ran upstairs to get my camera at the end of the day to take some pictures of my kids during art class.  On my way past the school kitchen, something caught my eye.  It was a HUGE iguana slowly making its way to a patch of sunlight outside the door.  Until that point, I had only ever seen one iguana up close, but the magnitude of this lizard could not compare to my previous encounter! 

So, I took some pictures (in case it should run away before I could find some witnesses), and then ran to tell everyone.  We all gathered around to oooh and ahhh, and then we tried to shoo it away so the dogs wouldn’t kill it later.  But this was one stubborn iguana!  It wouldn’t move, so we got a mop and chased it.  As you can tell from these photos, the iguana would not leave without a fight.

Just another day at ESD!